So, I have been featured as one one of the “responsible designers to watch” of 2019 in Graphic Design USA’s special issue where I talk about why I shifted to designing for good.
Design is very powerful and with great power, you know…All the work cannot be achieved without a great team by your side so shout out to our fantastic creative team at EDF!
Check out the full article here

Last year (2013), in October, some of my work was shown in a group exhibition in Long Island City at the See|Me gallery. One of the works was projected on a building as well while the rest were shown on a screen inside the gallery.

On July 28th 2014, in a group exhibition, a few additional works were also displayed in Times Square in NYC!! The mall graphics was the centerpiece but also shown were the helmet graphics, the poster-postcards, the book cover and the acclaimed Forest Essentials packaging. The last one is a major one because a junior designer in India was falsely claiming this design to be her concept on Behance and despite being asked to take it down, she hasn’t. By showcasing this work on the world’s largest billboard, it has been affirmation of the hard work that I and Manav put into this project.

Yes, its true- my work will be up for about 10 odd minutes, projected on a skyscraper in NYC this saturday at around 10:10 pm. For more details see here:
Please join me if you can!
The Forest Essentials project that was done between 2011 and 2012 has finally been published in thedieline! The massively talented Manav Sachdev deserves a big round of applause and I can give a pat on my own back too! 🙂 Good to see our work up there after such a long wait!
Check it out here:
If people vote for me, it is possible that I may get to show my work in an exhibition in Paris! How cool would that be? Here’s a link to vote for me. Much appreciated!
This news comes a bit late but there is still time to catch my work been displayed in an exhibition in New York City! It opened on July 25th but I was hiking in Maine at that time. It runs through September 10th- go if you can!
Here is the invite-
Today Listserve sent out my mail to 20,000+ subscribers all around the world. To those who made it till here, thank you for visiting! I hope my short mail inspired or hit a chord in your hearts about being free and truly happy. I started “exploring” with bicycles and the desire to see more and go further made me switch to motorcycles that took me far but ironically brought me closer to where I started from. Traveling happy (not your rushed, super-planned itineraries) is what I would encourage and I feel there is nothing better than a motorcycle. Riding everyday to work has always been therapeutic that takes away any tiredness or stress from work. I would strongly suggest that you try it too- considering, in a car even I am more prone to have road rage! At least one research has also proven that motorcyclists actually reach a “different level” when they are riding.
So what am I really trying to say? I am just saying that achieving happiness is pretty simple. People often confuse happiness with winning, owning or mastering things but once you ride, your feelings are like that of your ten-year old self riding a bicycle around the neighborhood- pure, free, simple and blissful. There are many ways to get there but this is the way I have found. A clutter-free, uncomplicated and a highly simplified way.
I invite you to ask me anything you like- about the motorcycle trip, about my work, about riding together in NYC- anything at all. And I would love to hear your stories of how you found your happiness. Thank you again for reading and remember, happiness is simple. 🙂
The link to the post is here: and here:
The blog of the motorcycle trip mentioned in the email is here: