What is the job of a logo?

I have made a few logo in my lifetime an I find it one of the most challenging aspects of graphic design. To me logos have always been the face of the company and creating it entailed building a story around it and the process was very detailed in itself. However, recently, at my new place of work, when I was showing my designs to a colleague for a internal branding exercise of a major FMCG, he made a very interesting remark about the mark and the applications- he said that the logos by themselves did not strike to him immediately at an emotional or aesthetic level but when he saw them on the posters integrated with the whole design, he was pretty impressed!

This made me think if a logo is really supposed to impress someone at the first glance. A logo is definitely the face but I am not sure if it always makes people go “wow” at first or even subsequent glances. And I dont think that it is intended to do that either. How many times did one see the McDonalds’ golden arches and went “ooh” or saw Apple’s apple and went “aah”? I dont think logos can tell a entire story but it can certainly define the essence of the brand. Logos encapsulate many characteristics but have to connote one attitude that has been agreed upon as the primary attitude of the company.

I think I see logos as the letters of the alphabet which make sense when they are strung as words. Or even like a cover of book which may not entirely disclose its contents. It can also be looked upon as something that takes its time to grow on you- or sometimes, like the Olympics 2012 logo, it may not! Though I do still believe that the logo tells the entire story of the brand in one mark in one word.
